Eric looks at Daniel's vision 2500 years on. What does history explain and what has yet to happen.
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Guest preacher Michael looks at the parable of the rich fool, focussing on how one day we will have to give an account of our lives to God!
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Can the words applied to Daniel be said about us too?
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Eric looks at the writing on the wall at Belshazzar's Feast and both from a direct viewpoint and an indirect viewpoint.
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Trevor looks at Daniel 4 and asks "Are we full of ourselves or empty before God"?
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Helen talks about Christians Against Poverty, how it enables us to demostrate God's love to people in a practical way, and how we can support it locally and nationally.
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John looks at one of the bext know bible stories, the Fiery Furnace, in Daniel 3 and the example of reliance on God it demonstrates.
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Guest preacher Nathan looks at why the church is still here, and kinda always will be
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Trevor starts a new servies looking at the Book and life of Daniel
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