Run The Race

Weekly sermon recordings from The Sports Village Church.

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This is how God's love shows


Eric looks at how everything changed because of this one life, the life of Jesus Christ!

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Signs and Notices


Trevor looks at a everyday signs and notices, emphasising a "Christmas Sign" and a "Christmas Notice" and asks "Are we following the sign and will we listen to the notice"?

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Daniel: Terror and Joy


Eric looks at how although Daniel's visions were terrifying, they lead to tremendous joy in Jesus Christ from now, to the second coming then through to eternity!

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Daniel 9: Repentance, Prophecy and Struggle


John continues our current series by looking at Daniel's prayer

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X Factor to the Cross


Guest Martin looks at how things are not always as they seem

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Daniel 8: A Vision of a Ram and a Goat


Trevor looks at Daniel's vision of a Ram and a Goat and from that asks "How does our knowledge of the future affect us"?

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Daniel 7


Eric looks at Daniel's vision 2500 years on. What does history explain and what has yet to happen.

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The Parable of the Rich Fool


Guest preacher Michael looks at the parable of the rich fool, focussing on how one day we will have to give an account of our lives to God!

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Daniel 6: Daniel in the Den of Lions


Can the words applied to Daniel be said about us too?

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Daniel 5: The Writing's on the Wall


Eric looks at the writing on the wall at Belshazzar's Feast and both from a direct viewpoint and an indirect viewpoint.

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