Eric looks at how everything changed because of this one life, the life of Jesus Christ!
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Trevor looks at a everyday signs and notices, emphasising a "Christmas Sign" and a "Christmas Notice" and asks "Are we following the sign and will we listen to the notice"?
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Eric looks at how although Daniel's visions were terrifying, they lead to tremendous joy in Jesus Christ from now, to the second coming then through to eternity!
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John continues our current series by looking at Daniel's prayer
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Guest Martin looks at how things are not always as they seem
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Trevor looks at Daniel's vision of a Ram and a Goat and from that asks "How does our knowledge of the future affect us"?
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Eric looks at Daniel's vision 2500 years on. What does history explain and what has yet to happen.
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Guest preacher Michael looks at the parable of the rich fool, focussing on how one day we will have to give an account of our lives to God!
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Can the words applied to Daniel be said about us too?
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Eric looks at the writing on the wall at Belshazzar's Feast and both from a direct viewpoint and an indirect viewpoint.
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