Eric uses our current series on Titus 3:1-8 to explain how we are to live in the outside/secular world. Among many others: we are to submit to our government, to do what is good, not to quarrel but show humility, and remember God's Grace upon us!
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Alan brings a great word from Titus ch2, pointing out that we are to be mindful that the world is watching, that our lives should also be an example, we should stand out for the better in this world, and make a positive difference to others lives.
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Guest speaker Andy Bird brings a renewed challenge this Pentecost, what does it look like to be filled with the Holy Spirit today, covering two characteristics the Church should have:- Unity (Acts 2:42) and Self Sacrificial Love (Acts 2:44-45)
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Eric and John bring one of our occasional 'Question and Answer' sessions, this time covering five varied questions.
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Third in our Titus series. John explains how damaging Legalism is, as it is the wrongly held view of us being saved by our works rather than the personal work of Jesus Christ for our salvation, but instead we have Liberty through Christ. Acts 15
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Eric brings the second in our Titus series. Speaking on the many attributes that make good leaders and elders, and that we as the Church body have our different roles to play to make an efficient body. 1 Corinthians 12:14-15
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Trevor brings the first in our New Series on Titus. Bringing a parallel from Titus 1:1-4 to our lives, we are a chosen people to live godly lives, assured of eternal life with our Saviour in grace and peace. ‘What you believe, should effect how you live!'
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Trevor brings an overview of Jesus' life, following His life in four parts and how it applies to our lives. ‘Entering' into the world, ‘Learning' of life on earth, His ‘Doing' of his Ministry, and finally His ‘Abiding' in returning home to his Father.
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John brings the final part of ‘The Creed' series. John asks “Is Heaven our home?” do we delight in the Worship of God, meditate on Him and look forward to being with Him or do we spend more time ‘meditating' on earthly pleasures. Revelation 22:1-5
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Eric brings the Easter Story from a very different perspective asking Who Killed Jesus? 'One' of whom may suprise you! He also looks at the Cross and Resurrection in it's historical context. 1 Peter 1:3-5 Revelation 21:1-4
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