John brings Psalm 103, reminding us of God's sovereignty, righteousness, and His beautifully limitless Love for us. Reminded of this may our heart's desire to live for Him grow even stronger.
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Our own Margaret Brown brings the story of the ‘Demon Possessed Man' from Luke 8:26-39. Margaret reminds us that “If you run to Jesus for help, you're going to get it” it may not be immediate as it was with the demon possessed man, but...God will answer!
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Paul Davies brings the challenging story of David through Psalm 142, speaking that in our times of anguish and trials like David, we also can cry out to God as our true refuge, portion, and prospect.
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Phil Isherwood speaks on hospice ministry, and the time he spends with the hospice patients, uplifting and encouraging through the writing of poems with and for them - Isaiah 41:10, and how we are reminded that God is the ‘Author of Life' Acts 3:15
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John starts our new series ‘Summer in the Psalms', telling of Jesus our perfect example of 'The Blessed Man', that through our love for Jesus we can delight and meditate in His Word and Creation rather than the oppression of religious rules.
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Jude and Phil bring a truly refreshing look at Worship, looking at the importance of worship to ourselves, in building up ourselves and others, but more importantly the pleasure God receives from our Worship in every day of our lives,not just on a Sunday!
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Eric uses our current series on Titus 3:1-8 to explain how we are to live in the outside/secular world. Among many others: we are to submit to our government, to do what is good, not to quarrel but show humility, and remember God's Grace upon us!
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Alan brings a great word from Titus ch2, pointing out that we are to be mindful that the world is watching, that our lives should also be an example, we should stand out for the better in this world, and make a positive difference to others lives.
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Guest speaker Andy Bird brings a renewed challenge this Pentecost, what does it look like to be filled with the Holy Spirit today, covering two characteristics the Church should have:- Unity (Acts 2:42) and Self Sacrificial Love (Acts 2:44-45)
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Eric and John bring one of our occasional 'Question and Answer' sessions, this time covering five varied questions.
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