Run The Race

Weekly sermon recordings from The Sports Village Church.

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Persistant Praying


This week John encourages us to boldly but reverently approach God persistently with prayers for our daily needs, others salvation, deliverance from temptation, and of our loved ones salvation, along with wanting more of the holy spirit. Luke 11:5-13

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Deliver Us


A brilliant word from John, speaking on ‘Temptation', reminding us that as Christ was tempted, we to are allowed to face temptation but by God's grace He provides the strength to resist it, with the reassurance we are His child and the promise of Heaven.

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Forgive Us


A challenging and comforting word from Martin today, speaking on Forgiveness, using Jesus' perfect example and our realisation of God's forgiveness of our sins, may we ask for God's help in admitting our mistakes, so that we in turn love & forgive others.

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Christ is Risen


Guest speaker Felix (from CCP's Pais team) brings the Easter message, speaking from Luke 24:13-34, reminding us of Jesus' sacrifice bridging the gap sin created between us and God, and encouraging us to live our lives in the knowledge of God's Love for us

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Daily Bread


John continues the study of Jesus' teaching on Prayer, reminding us as God's children we have the privilege to bring our daily needs with thanksgiving to our loving Father, always remembering that our prayers would be for the glory of God and in His will.

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His Kingdom Come


John speaking from Luke 11:1-4, encourages us to seek first the Kingdom of God, by daily submitting to God's leading, Righteousness and Holiness, showing love to those within and without God's family, and that we would live ready for His return!

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Holy Be His Name


John brings the word from Luke 11:1-4, teaching us how to pray, with a reverent fear of God. In the knowledge of His love, we are to give praise and thankfulness for all He has done through our salvation, and obedience in response of our love for Him.

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Intamacy, and not Distraction


Martin uses the familiar story of Martha & Mary, to encourage us to pursue intimate time with Jesus and letting our actions be out of love and not obligation, along with not being too distracted by the busyness of life to nurture our earthly relationships

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The Lawyer's Question!


Simon Bennett brings an insightful word today of the Good Samaritan, from the lawyer's point of view it seemed all about the law, but the parable show's it's a wonderful testimony of Grace which we so freely enjoy and so must freely give to all others.

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The Three Joys


John encourages this week from Luke 10:17-24, speaking on three Joys from the passage, the first being the Grace of God, secondly that we rejoice in the Person and Work of Jesus, and thirdly in that God hides things from some, yet reveals things to others

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